Your New Beginning!!!

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away behold, all things are become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17)

It's amazing that even today a lot of Christians still don't understand what Christianity really is. Some think to be born again means to change your ways. Others think you can only be born again at the beginning of every year after you've made a good New Year resolution. Irrespective of what you think it means, the Word of God still remains the same on the topic

Now, there is a difference between that 'you' before and the 'you' after you received Christ. The person before had the nature of the devil, therefore he sinned at will. But that person is dead! Right now you're a brand new person. The new creature has no past. When you do know who you really are in Christ, such talk as, "When I used to..." or "When I was..." will completely leave your vocabulary because it was never you. Don't let us minimize the impact of Christianity and eternal life.

The new creature is like a new baby; he has no past, because "...old things are passed away...all things are become new" Hallelujah! As far as God is concerned, you never existed before; your past has been buried in the grave from which Jesus arose victorious. Isn't it exciting to know that you have a new beginning in your life? Your past failures and disappointments don't matter anymore. You can now chart your course for victory and success in the Word of God. Moreover, God has already determined a great future for the new creature; He is the God who declares the end from the beginning "...and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure" (Isaiah 46:10).

What is His counsel or direction for you today? Check His Word, everything you are and you'll ever be is in there. Take time to acquaint yourself with your new nature today.

God bless you.

For Further Scripture Study:
Proverbs 4:18

The new creature is like a new baby; he has no past, because "...old things are passed away...all things are become new"

If you are NOT Born-again and you want to make Jesus the Lord of your life, click this link Prayer of Salvation
